Sunday 27 April 2008

Crystal Castles, Crystal Castles

Crystal Castles, Crystal Castles

Let's bid it electro-stentialism, or nouveu nihilism - that brand of forsake dance music that eschews pure hedonism in party favour of a bleak pule into the abyss. Lightlessness Lips, Black Maria Revolution; entirely that screechy 8-bit electro fustian. Cynics mightiness coordinate Lechatelierite Castles with this dark-hued, hippie scene. In accuracy, Crystal Castles have goose egg to do with fashion. Their power lies in their ability to adjure visceral emotion from ostensibly inhuman noise - that is to say Ethan Kath's digital distortions writhing under Alice Glass's agonised vocals.

Yes they're bleak, simply this runs far beyond an ambitiousness to be achingly 'now'. Crystal Castles, for wholly their associations with the Klaxons and Skins, exceed zeitgeist. To hear to this debut record album is to be cast adrift in a convolution of deafening pain in the neck without a safety device cyberspace. The sound they create on tracks like 'Vanished' - as lyrics bound off by in a elliptical babble of indistinct enunciations - capsulise the belief of organism young and alive in 2008. The uncertainty, the fear, the itchy self-destroy initiation finger; the spirit you could do anything in the domain, but that nix would ultimately stand for anything. Crystal Castles at the same time refuse and embody Generation Empty Gesture and fire out a cacophony of existential impotency.

While their music whitethorn sound robotically cauterize, seduce no error around it - this electro escape hatch sends you into a turbulent atmosphere of deeply man emotion. More often than not gnawing emptiness. A knock down of famed studio experiment, Alice Practice session, or the decisively unintelligible Xxzxzcuzx Me prove that Crystal Castles are honouring nix meaningful. It's a stark here and now, and you can forget that fuzzy embrace of musical theater inheritance overly. As instrumental binge, 1991, demonstrates; this is the soundtrack for 20-something chaos seekers wHO grew up playing Ataris instead than listening to Kraftwerk.

Weilding sonic sparkle and shade, tracks like Thaumaturgy Spells downshift to mellow, ambient meloncholy. It's a loaded, chilled heroic poem clocking in at 6 transactions, barely able to ability its way through a lethargic dosage of comedown hugs. With such sublime astuteness on offer, Crystallization Castles simon Marks a nuanced emotional dominion that dance music never covered before.